
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Who am I??

Hi, my name is Kelly.
My passions are being creative and finding new ways to develop both myself and my three year old daughter.
At present, I have been lucky enough to educate and care for my beautiful daughter, at home. Prior to the wonderful world of motherhood, I have spent over 13 years educating, caring for and nurturing children between the ages of 1-7 years. I have worked in various childcare settings such as Private Preschools, Elimentery (Primary for my fellow Brits), Special Educational Needs schools and Government Initiated settings (Sure Start) 
Through working in these settings and with some inspiring educators, I have learnt some amazing and fun activities, to develop children holistically.
 In the current economic climate, I try to use found objects within the home and outdoor environment, to keep the cost of our activities low.
My aim is to share my ideas with you and bring you along on my daughters learning journey. I hope you enjoy the ride!!!

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