
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Painting Daffodils with Daffodils

On March 1st, Wales  (Great Britain) celebrate their patron saint Saint David. If you wish to learn more about Saint David, Wikipedia has more information.
Daffodils along with leeks and Dragons are all objects associated with Wales. Today, my daughter and I thought we would pay homage and make a still life painting of a vase of daffodils. Instead of using paintbrushes, we used a different media... daffodils.

Who can play?
Children aged 2 years plus. Depending on the age and stage of development.

Supervision whilst outdoors 

What do you need?
  • Daffodils either growing in the garden or bought from a shop 
  • Newspaper for the floor and apron for protection.
  • Paper
  • Yellow, orange and green paint
  • Containers for the paint
  • Magnifying glass

What did we do?
Firstly, we examined the daffodils and looked at its components, such as trumpet, stem, petals etc.We used the magnifying glass to look even closer. We then smelt and touched it. My daughter said it felt "really soft" and smelt like "flowers"...obviously.
The next thing we had to do was chose a daffodil to paint with. My daughter found this a funny idea, but couldn't wait to have a go.
After looking at its colours, we set about dipping our flower in the green paint  and then on the paper to create the long stems.
Finally, we added yellow and dark yellow paint to the stems to represent the daffodils flowers. My daughter counted the flowers and mentioned that some daffodils were not open, so she wouldn't paint them.
like most of our paintings/drawings, they end up on the fridge, to share with the whole family.
I also tried my hand at painting with the you cannot guess which one is mine :-)

What did we learn?
Creative: Painting the daffodils by looking at the real ones. Using a daffodil for a different media of painting, rather than a brush.
Physical: Developing their fine manipulative skills and brush control. 
Mathematical: Counting the daffodils. Developing spacial awareness when painting on the paper. Learning shapes when looking at the different parts of the daffodils.
Personal, social and emotional: Enjoying the experience and pride from finished product.
Knowledge and understanding of the world: Learning about plants in their environment
Communication, language and literacy: learning names of parts of the daffodil

What could be done next?
Food colouring could be added to the water in the vase, to see if the daffodils change their colour.
Watercolours could also be taken to the park or in the garden to create more still life paintings.

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