
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Sleeping bunnies

I thought I would share one of our favorite Easter songs, The Sleeping Bunny song. My daughter loves this one and I remember the children in Nursery and School enjoying it too. This song is not just for Easter, it can be sung the whole year through.
To add a bit of creativity to the song, we made our own bunny ears.

Who can play?
Children aged 1 year and above.

Ensure you have enough space for your child to jump around and that the area is safe (nothing sharp to bump into or objects to fall over)

What do we need?
  • Card
  • Crayons
  • Cello tape
  • Scissors (for adult)
What did we do?
To make the bunny ears:
  1. Cut one length of card around 22 inch long and 3 inch wide, for the head band

  2. To make the bunny ears, cut two ear shapes around 8 inch long by 3 inch wide
  3. Cut a slit down the centre of each ear, around 2 inch long from the bottom. Then place one side slightly behind the other to create a 3D effect. Secure this in place with a piece of cello tape. 
  4. Colour the bunny ears and headband. Add cotton wool to the centre of the ears.
  5. Place the headband around the child's head. Ensure that it is big enough and attach the two sides together with cello tape.
  6. Attach the ears to the headband with more tape.
Once the bunny ears were ready we popped them on our head and began singing the sleeping bunny song.

The first thing we had to do was lie on the floor and pretend we were sleeping. I began to sing:
" See the little bunny sleeping, till it's nearly noon.
Hush shall we wake them with our merry tune.
Oh how still are they ill?... wake up soon...wake up soon...

Wake up bunny!!!

Hop little bunny hop hop hop, hop little bunny hop hop hop.
Hop little bunny hop hop hop, hop little bunny, hop and stop!"

Repeat for as long as your child (or you) want to. 

What did we learn?
  • Communication and language-Singing, listening and following instructions
  • Physical development- Fine and large manipulative skills and  coordination when doing the actions to the song.
  • Personal, social and emotional- Making relationships, social skills, fun and enjoyment.
  • Mathematics- Sequencing the actions to the song.
  • Understanding of the world- Learning that bunnies hop
  • Expressive arts and design- Dancing and role play whilst pretending to be a bunny
What next? 

  • Sing .Little Peter Rabbit with Makaton
  • Play hop scotch outside
  • Practice hopping on one leg 

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