
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Cupids Arrows Game

Valentines Day is as good as any to sneak a bit of maths in to your child's day. This time, it comes in the form of a game that involves Cupids arrows. The game was really simple to make and we had lots of fun playing at the park with a friend. 

Who can play?
Children aged 3 years and above. All activities depend on your child's age and stage of development.

Talk to your child about aiming the arrow towards the floor rather than heads/eyes as this could cause an injury

What do you need?

  • Straws
  • Card/Foam
  • Scissors
  • Cello tape
  • Chalk
What do you need to do?
Fist we need to make the arrows. They are really simple to do. Firstly you need to make a small slit in the end of the straw. Next, cut out a feather shape from either a piece of card or foam and slot it through the slit you made in the straw.

Finally add an arrow head to the tip of the straw. For this Just cut out a heart from a piece of card (making sure that the point is slightly curved so it will not poke anyone) Next, cello tape it to the other end of the straw. We made four arrows for our game.          

How to play the Cupids Arrow game:

To set up the game, we drew a heart on the ground with a piece of chalk.

Taking it in turns we threw our arrows into the heart (be aware of the way the wind is blowing... We had to draw another heart, going in a different direction as our arrows were getting blown the other way in the wind and the children were getting frustrated) 
Bee and her friend loves throwing the arrows and showed pride and excitement when they got one in the heart.

Once all the arrows were thrown, we counted how many went inside the heart and how many were outside.
To record our findings we made a tally on the floor with chalk. The children recorded how many arrows went into the heart by making lines on the tally. At the end of the game, the children can count how many arrows went into the target, compare who got the most in and least.

This helped us with understanding number bonds to 4 , encouraged mark making skills and promoted knowledge of how to recording information.  

We had so much fun and have a feeling that this game will be played well after Valentines Day.

Learning outcomes:
Communication and Language- Listening to instructions. Talking about what has happened
Literacy- Recording information with chalk. Developing their writing skills.
Mathematics- Developing an awareness of numbers, addition and tally making.
Art and Design- Creating our own game
Personal, Social and Emotional- Cooperation and turn taking. Fun and enjoyment. Pride when they manage to get an arrow in the hula hoop.
Knowledge and Understanding- Learning about Valentines day traditions. Talk about how arrows were used for fishing and hunting.
Physical- Large manipulative skills when aiming and throwing the arrow. Hand eye coordination.

What could be done next?

  • Substitute the heart with a hula hoop or a bucket for younger children, who have difficulty with their aiming and throwing skills.
  •  Draw a heart inside a heart and mark it with a number two. Taking the counting and adding one step further.
  • For children who are confident with numbers ask them to write the numbers instead of lines to represent each arrow. 
  • If your child does not enjoy the number side of this game. Just have fun throwing the arrow at the target and introduce it another time.

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