
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Pink shaving cream

Valentines Day is almost upon us (14th February) So Bee and I are getting into the mood. I know she loves getting messy and sensory play, so I thought she might like to explore shaving foam with a touch of red paint, to get us into the Valentines spirit. This is a perfect opportunity for not only learning about textures, but also communication, language and literacy, by building on her fine manipulative and pre-writing skills.

Who can play?
Children aged three years, however I used to do this activity with my daughter when she was two, it all depends on their age and stage of development.

What do I need?
Shaving foam (sensitive) 
Washing up liquid
Are that you do not mind covering in paint and shaving foam
Two bowls one filled with water and washing up liquid and the other for the shaving foam
Apron to protect clothing for you and the child.
Towel just in case the child does not like the experience or if it goes in their eyes

If your child has sensitive skin, they could wear plastic glove (be aware that the child should not be left alone with them, as they can cause suffocation)
Read instructions and cautions on the shaving foam, for example it should not be eaten or put in the eyes.
Be careful not to slip on shaving foam or water, ensure that you supervise well and clear away any spills.
Your child may get the foam in their eyes so follow the instructions on the foam container and rinse immediately with clean water.

What did we do?
To protect our clothes we popped on our aprons. Bee could not wait to get her hands on all the equipment that I had placed on the table.
After placing the bowl on the floor, Isabella pushed down the nozzle of the  shaving foam. At first the foam squirted upwards and she started to laugh. She then listened to my instructions and pointed it downwards into the bowl. 
She loved exploring the texture of the foam.
We then Placed some red paint into the foam and mixed it together with a paintbrush. Bee spent quite a bit of time doing this.  
Once she was happy with the mixture she began applying it to the window. At first she used the paintbrushes, making up and down movements and then...
...she began to use hands. Scooping up the foam and smudging it along the window and making the odd handprint.
Bee seemed to really enjoy getting messy. She explored the qualities of the foam and liked to push it through her fingers.
At one point I went on the other side of the glass, to see what she would do and she made a little hole in the foam, so she could see me. Isabella thought this was really funny. 
Bee said that the 'foam doesn't look pink' so we added a bit more red paint, developing her awareness of colours and shades (dark/light pink)
She made letters in the foam...
... And learnt how to flick it from her brush.
I think she really enjoyed the texture as she rubbed it all over her arms and said "it is so smells like flowers" The shaving foam did Go everywhere but she had so much fun and stayed on task for half an hour!

When she had finished exploring she cleaned the window with soapy water and a sponge, which she enjoyed just as much as playing with the foam.

What did we learn?
Communication, language and literacy- Mark making, following instructions and writing recognisable letters
Physical- Developing the tripod grip whilst holding the paintbrush, both large and fine manipulative skills and manipulating the foam.
Personal, social and emotional- Fun and enjoyment, exploring through her senses and staying on task for half an hour
Creative- Making patterns and exploring mark making with different medias.
Mathematics- Learning about space and concepts such as adding and more.
Knowledge and understanding of the world- enjoying the activity in the outdoor environment.

What could be done next?
If you are not into painting on windows with the shaving foam, this activity can also be carried out in the bath, therefor can be easily washed away and contained.
Some children may not enjoy the texture or experience of the foam so you could put some in a ziplock bag for them to explore, without the mess.

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