
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Valentines bath fun

To celebrate Valentines Day I decided it would be fun to make Bee an 'I Love You' bath.
What you need
Bath and water (to the safe desired temperature)
Bath foam
Glow sticks
Sponge letters
False flowers or rose petals if feeling extravagant 
Bowls to put items in
Bottle and a wooden spoon in case she wanted to make a 'love potion'
Battery operated candles (kept out of the water)
Towel and bath mats

Supervision at all times in the water.
Ensure you read the label on the glow stick container. Do not open the glow sticks and discard if they are cracked.

What did we do?
I wanted to surprise Bee with this activity, so whilst she was down stairs with her Dad, I set about making her bath time special.
To create the lighting I placed battery operated candles around the room and glow sticks in the bath. Once the main light was turned off it created a lovely atmosphere (make sure that you can see, maybe put a small light on for safety) 

I placed mats on the floor, so that she would not slip and a towel close by to dry her. 
False flowers and sponge letters were added to the water for Isabella to play with and explore. 
When Isabella entered the bathroom she had a big smile on her face.  She played "flower lady" and sold her flowers to me, watered the flowers with the bottle, made letters with the glow sticks and generally had a lot of fun. Bath time lasted a bit longer than normal, but by the look on her face I think she felt special and enjoyed the experience.


  1. Kelly, your blog looks terrific and is a great start. Like the ideas and the use of the categories and what a great topic too.

  2. Thank you. I had a great teacher! Still finding my feet, but having fun doing so.
