
Monday, May 19, 2014

Father's Day cards

Last weekend was Mother's Day in America and my friend Nina gave me the inspiration for these cute Father's Day cards (Although the examples I have provided are for Granddad's) She told me that her child's school had asked her daughter a few questions on what her Mum liked, how tall she was etc and wrote it down for her. I thought that this was a lovely idea and knew that Bee's Granddads back in the UK would just love them. I was also interested in what Bee would say when asked how tall she thought they were... the answers were quite funny.   
The card was really easy to make. All you need are paper and pens...simple, but lovely!    
Who can play?
If your child can hold a pencil, then this activity is for them. Even young children can mark make a drawing of their Dad/Granddad and maybe you could write down things that your Husband/Dad does with your child.

Supervise young children with the writing equipment

What do you need?
  • Felt tip pens
  • Paper
  • Card
  • Glue
What did we do?

Firstly, I folded a piece of card in half. On the inside left I wrote the title, 'This is how I see you through my eyes Gramps' (this is the name Bee prefers for her Granddad) The statements about her Gramps were then wrote underneath:
  • You are...........tall
  • You are ....... years old
  • You weigh.....stone
  • You like to eat................
  • You like to drink.............
  • You like to watch............
  • You like to......................
The final things I had to prepare was the piece of paper that Bee was going to draw her Gramps on. This was done by cutting out a piece of paper, small enough to fit on the card and a slightly larger piece of blue paper to back the picture on.

I asked Bee to draw a picture of her Gramps. Even though I let Bee draw her own version of Gramps, we still talked about the body parts to draw, their positioning and counted eyes etc. I thought it was quite funny how she only gave him 2 strands of hair (as he is going quite fair on the top) See if you can spot the difference between her own drawing and the real Gramps.
Bee's drawing of her Gramps
Bee's gorgeous, playful funny and loving Gramps

Now for the fun part, during a quiet time of the day, I sat with Bee and we looked at a picture of her Gramps and we talked about him. I read each statement to her and asked her to tell me how tall etc she thought her Gramps was, 70 foot 3 is ginormous I know and obviously not his accurate size, but she was experimenting with numbers and making me laugh at the same time. Once she had told me her answer I would write them down in front of her, spelling the words out as I went along.
In the picture below you can see some of her other answers.
What I think of my Gramp's
The last thing that we had to do was to sign the card. I think that the name frame we have been practicing with, over the past week or so, have been helping Bee with keeping the letters of her name in one line.
Love from...
Here is the final product...                                

Final product
I know my Dad (Bee's Gramps) will just love this card and it will make him giggle. Hope you like it just as much too.

What did we learn?
  • Communication and language-Speaking and listening. Talking about her Gramps
  • Physical development- Fine manipulative skills and hand eye coordination when holding her pen to write and draw
  • Personal, social and emotional- Making relationships and recalling happy memories with her Gramps. Pride from finished product and increased self esteem.
  • Literacy- Linking sounds to letters, learning how to read and write
  • Mathematics- Shapes, space, measurement and counting body parts when drawing her Gramps.
  • Understanding of the world- learning about her family unit
  • Expressive arts and design- Drawing her Gramps and designing her own card
What could be done next?
  • Instead of putting the picture and statements on a card, you could also add them to a frame, perfect for giving away as a present
  • The cards can be adapted to any time of the year, for example mothers day, religious celebrations or even a birthday
  • If you have older children who are able to write, allow them to fill in the blanks instead of you. This will encourage writing for a reason.


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